How I work as a Biodynamic Body Psychotherapist

Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy works holistically on the mental, psychological, and physical level. Many psychological and physical problems are not accessible through conversations alone but can be made aware of through access to the body.

This enables a reconnection to the original feeling and the related conflicts from childhood. Better body awareness and increasing clarity appear.

Because only when we know where something comes from we can change it sustainably.

Both physically and mentally, we work with what is currently up to the client. We use perceptual and physical exercises, breathing techniques, inner images, therapeutic massages, work with the inner child, and with internal conflicts - and of course, the therapeutic conversation. In this way, damaging events can be processed gradually.

Feelings of relaxation and vitality arise.

We feel at home again in our own bodies, and with that comes the feeling of well-being returned, that everyone's right to life.

Enjoy watching the video

(German language with English subtitles – click on the settings!)

From the bottom of my heart

P.S.: If you would like to know more about it or are curious about a session with me, you can book a consultation call here.

Text + Video: © European School for Biodynamic Psychology 
(E.S.B.P.E.) e.V.
Photos: Soulportraits Katharina Kraus

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